Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I just can't wait....

So, I've got the great job, I'm finally making good money, I'm no longer sleep deprived, and no longer depressed. You might say that life can't get even better...
OH, but it can.
Have I mentioned that I have the most wonderful boyfriend ever? Well, I do.
Like many of you know, James recently had knee surgery, so he's not currently working. Yes, that means that I'm stuck wearing the pants and paying all of our bills. (and I honestly do not mind, now that I can afford it) But for anyone who thinks that a boyfriend who lets his girlfriend work while he sits at home on his butt is a loser....well, you're right...but my boyfriend doesn't "LET" me work, and he certainly does NOT sit at home on his butt. Since his knee has started feeling better, James has done SO much around the house. He does all the cooking and cleaning, and does a wonderful job of it. I came home from work today and he surprised me with a delicious chicken fettuccini alfredo, a clean kitchen, AND two sparkling bathrooms! He even unclogged the shower drain! And that's all in one day! Plus he's been working his butt off with our friend Rachel creating some beautiful music.
And that is where the "I just can't wait..." comes in.
well...part of it anyway....
If things keep going the way they are, James and Rachel will be on the soundtrack of a movie that is currently being produced, which you have to admit is friggin awesome! And who knows how many doors that will open up for their music career.
Another think that I just can't wait for, which will most likely happen sooner than a career as a rockstar, is a wonderful up and comming holiday known only to me and my friends (the only people who matter ;) just kidding...but if you don't know about it, you're truly missing out...) is Thanksmas Eve! Although an official date has not yet been set, this year (sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve) it will be the second annual Thanksmas Eve.
This history of Thanksmas Eve is quite short. Last year I wanted to spend time with good people and celebrate something, but everyone already had family plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I decided to create Thanksmas Eve. So with the help of our wonderful friends Jim and Brenda, Thanksmas Eve was made possible. It was held at the Kuhr residence where Jim, Brenda, James, myself, and any other friends were welcome to join. Good company, good food, and good booze were abundant. So with a lot of eating, laughing, and certainly a lot of drinking, Thanksmas became a hit. I suppose I'll have to think up some Thanksmas traditions to be followed in the maybe I could give Jim the task of cooking a turducken! Thanksgiving has turkey, Christmas has ham.....Thanksmas needs something....and come on... who wouldn't want to try turducken? Granted I've never eaten....or seen...such a's fun to say.
TUR DUCK EN.......I wonder what kind of genius decided to put a duck inside of a chicken inside of a turkey?! ....maybe it's just one of those odd myths.... but let's think positively and make it a reality! (Brenda, if you're reading this, you must pass this request on to Jim ;) lol I'm sure he could overcome that challenge!) Even if it tastes like crap, it would still be a pretty cool tradition. Kind of like fruit cake at Christmas!

Anyway...I will now leave you with thoughts of great jobs, rockstardom, Thanksmas Eve, and the glorious wonder that is turducken!

1 comment:

Aunt Evolity said...

Now, you must be careful what you wish for!
This is the same man whom I caught a few years ago giggling madly in the kitchen as he was carefully moulding hamburger, corn, and other various foodstuffs into turd shapes so that he could serve them to us for dinner. He hid the bowl and I asked "What are you doing, Honey?" and he said "Um... making... turtleheads."

Yes, this is the man I married. a chef with a warped sense of humour.

So! He tells me that you are concerned about the date we should hold Thanksmas this year. Will Friday December 5 not work for you? We can't have it without you, ya know!

Also, I am so happy to hear that things are on the right track for you two! You deserve good things!