Monday, October 20, 2008

So far so good

Today was my first day working for Giles Engineering....and it was GREAT!
I woke up at 6 and started to get ready for what I was sure was going to be a very long, very nerve wracking day. I ended up getting ready faster than I thought. So since I was getting antsy, I decided to leave a little early. Apparently it doesn't take as long to get there as I thought. I left at 7:15 and got there at 7:40....crap. I had to wait in my car in the Sam's Club parking lot till 8:25!
As soon as I walked in the door, I was greeted by Megan (the other secretary). She was stuck training me. I found out that there is a LOT to learn, but I've been catching on pretty quickly.
I was working by myself...with a little bit of no time. The day went by so fast!
Finally my guilt about ditching Walgreens started to fade. Obviously I still feel guilty, but it's much easier knowing that I'm making more money and I'm finally able to keep normal hours. I'm already starting to feel better. Bye bye sleep deprivation! I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow.
Another great part about working at Giles is my manager, Kris. She is awesome. She flat out told me that if something needs to be said, she'll tell me right away to my face, no beating around the bush. Bye bye poor management communication!
My last night at Walgreens (Sunday night) was really shitty. I only stayed until 2am, which is what I told two of my managers was the plan. Unfortunately neither one of them felt the need to tell Carrie (the manager that I work third shift with). So when I told her I was leaving, she thought I was just going home for my "lunch" break! Needless to say she made me feel like shit because I was leaving her to work alone for the rest of the night and the rest of the week.
I'm sorry, but if they can give me minutes notice that I'm suspended for 3 nights and still function just fine, what's wrong with me giving 3 days notice? I know I know.... I didn't give the proper two weeks...and yes, I do feel bad, but come on!
But enough negativity....I made a decision, and I'm pretty sure it was the right one. It's better for my wallet, better for my happiness, and better for my overall health. :)

1 comment:

Aunt Evolity said...

Your Spirit Guide is surely watching over you!

Congrats on the new job!
And look at it this way! You went to college and got a degree so that you could get yourself a REAL JOB. Walgreens is not a REAL Job. Walgreens is a place for people with no ambition, no degree, no direction to land and make just enough money to survive (so long as no major crises appear).

The new job you have just started is a REAL JOB worthy of your background and aspirations. And Receptionists can make damn good money if they take the job seriously.

Sorry to hear about all the woes you've been enduring as of late! I hope James has a quick recovery! I suppose this now ends his career aspirations as a Synchronized Swimmer, eh?

Keep posting! I'll keep reading!

